Taya Gunsul RN, LMT

To Live Limber is to feel at ease in the body, relaxed and free of tension. I incorporate Massage, Yoga and Personal Training to support people in this endeavor. Practiced individually or together, my personalized approach will help you reach your fitness goals, reduce stress, and lead to greater sense of balance in everyday life.

I began my career as a Registered Nurse in 1992, and expanded my education to become a Licensed Massage Therapist in 2000. I also have extensive training in teaching hatha yoga and personal training, focusing on flexibility and holistic wellness.

My Live Limber practice is based in Northeast Portland, Oregon. When I’m not seeing clients or working as a nurse, you might find me volunteering in my community, traveling, walking my dog, working in my garden, or relaxing outdoors.

Taya Gunsul RN, LMT